Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Kissing The Face Of G-d"

As a Messianic Jewish women I know that this was not the time of our Saviors birth, however during this season this give me the opportunity to acknowledge the coming of my Messiah!
This is a great time to look at the walk we have with the L-rd, reflecting on how we all from time to time need to travel back to the beginning of our faith, realizing that it was in are innocents when G-d always showed up...just as He did in the BEGINNING!


Deborah said...


I can't tell you how much I appreciate this posting. I have drawn so close to the L-RD in the past 3 years that the longer I linger with Him, the more conflicted I am about the celebration of Christmas because of its Roman pagan origins. Of course, Yeshua's birth is not pagan, but you're right about the date, December 25, which was set by Constantine in his effort to combine polytheistic pagan festivities with Christianity.

The Christmas holiday has been undergoing transformation in my heart and mind for the past 3 years as I try to figure out how much of it I want to partake of, and how much needs to be left out. As of this year, I realize that my Christian brothers and sisters around me are celebrating for lack of any other day to do so, the Christian radio stations' airwaves are loaded with Christmas songs, and Christians everywhere are battling the keep the right to say "Merry Christmas" so as to not deny Yeshua's name.

So, my resolve this year: celebrate Christmas with my family and friends, but keep it Messiah-centered in rememberance of the true day on which he was born, no matter which day it was. Otherwise, I'll be celebrating Yeshua's birthday all by myself on any other day of the year. :(

Merry Yeshua-bday, whatever day that may be! :)

Papa Frank said...

There's a great reason that our Lord said things like "Unless you become as one of these little children you will not see heaven." (my paraphrase) Our innocence and our trust and our simple faith are all qualities of a child. If we can quiet our grown-up cluttered minds we can have the faith of a child and we can hear our God as he whispers just as he whispered to Elijah in the cave.